"An alias can help make your life easy. Listed below are a few examples that can be used to make your daily task, easier."
Grep for a bash process
Open the last modified file in Vim
alias Vim=”vim 'Ls -t | head -1'”Grep for a bash process
alias psg=”ps -aux | grep bash”
The following command interactive and verbose, type the following command
alias cp=”cp -iv” #interactive, verbose
alias rm=”rm -i” #interactive
alias mv=”mv -iv” # interactive, verbose
alas grep=”grep -i” # igore case
For file system disk space usage, use the following command
alias dus='df -h'
Now, if you want to temporarily stop using aliased, type the command given below
$ \aliasname
To remove an alias, type the following command
$ unalias aliasname
To remove all aliases, use the following command
$ unalias -a