We read Unix history before starting linux history, because unix know as father of linux. This Unix os was implemented in 1969 at AT & T's bell laboratories in the united state by ken thompson, denis Ritchie, Douglas mcllroy, and joe osscinna.
It was first released in 1971 and was initially entirely written in assemble language Unix was rewritten in the programing language "C" by dennis retchic (with exception to the kernel and I/O).The availability of a os written in a high-level language allowed easier. Portably to different computer platform and unix become widely adopted by academic installation and businesses.
It was not open source code operating system.
"The name GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU" not unix !" The Gnu Project started in 1983 by Richard Stallman had the goal of creating a “complete Unix-compatible Software system" composed entirely of free software work begin in 1984. later in 1985, stallman created the free software foundation and wrote the GNU-general Public lincese (GNU-GPL) in 1989 by the early 1990's, many of the programs required in an OS. (Such as libraries, compilers, text editor a unix shell, and a windowing system) were completed although low-level elements such as device drivers, daemons and the kernel were stalled and incomplete.
Minix was an inexpensive minimal unix-like OS, designed for education in computer science, written by andrew S. Tanenbaum ( Now Minix is free and redesigned also for "Serious" Use.)
The 1991 while attending the university of helsinki, Linus benedict Torvalds began to work on a non-commercial replacement for minix which would eventually become the linux kernel Torvalds began the develapment of linux on minix and applications. written for minix were also used under linux, later linux matured and it become possible for linux to be developed under itself also GNU applications replaced all minix ones because with code from the GNU system freely available Torvalds make to a fully functional and free OS (open source code).
The first linux kernel started independently by linux torvald in 1991 and linux version 0.01 was released under the GPL in 1992.